
I greatly enjoy communicating science to wider audiences and had the privilege to help in the editing of various scientific articles as detailed below:

Dark Energy

     * CERN Courier: Colliders join the hunt for dark energy

     * Iowa Now: UI physicist hunts for mysterious force behind universe's expansion

     * Symmetry magazine: Taking a collider to the dark energy problem

     * CERN EP newsletter: Colliders join the hunt for dark energy

Future Circular Collider

     * Shaping realities: Physics opportunities for the 21st century (series of articles written with P. Charitos)

          - The Higgs boson was only the beginning

          - Echoes of the Higgs (18/11/2016)

          - What a colourful world (19/1/2017)

CERN EP newsletter

     * Interview with Claudia de Rham on massive gravity

     * Interview with Kip Thorne on gravitational waves

Greek media

     * Series of popularising articles written for amagi.gr with P. Charitos

          - Dark Matter

          - Schrödinger's equation

          - Einstein and the GPS

          - Brave old world (the standard model of cosmology)