Dr. Ulrich Haisch (MPI Munich)
Dr Haisch is an expert in Dark Matter models and has introduced the 2HDM+pseudoscalar model that is considered the workhorse for the DM interpretations in extended Higgs sectors at the LHC (JHEP 05 (2017) 138).
We are collaborating with Dr Haisch on the phenomenological aspects of the DM searches at the LHC [Pr1, Pth2] and the study of unexplored signatures of DM in extended Higgs sectors [Pth4].
Prof. Clare Burrage (U Nottingham)
Prof. Burrage is an expert on the phenomenology of Dark Energy/Modified Gravity and one of the developers of the first Dark Energy model that was used in the search for Dark Energy at the LHC (PRD 94 (2016) 084054).
We have collaborated with Prof. Burrage on the interpretation of the DE search in ATLAS [Pex8] and continue collaborating on the extension of these searches in final states with a Higgs boson [Pth3].
Prof. Christoph Englert (U Glasgow)
Prof. Englert is an expert on particle physics phenomenology and has proposed with Prof. Burrage the first model that was used in the search for Dark Energy at the LHC.
We have collaborated with Prof. Englert on the interpretation of the DE search in ATLAS [Pex8] and continue collaborating on the extension of these searches in final states with a Higgs boson [Pth3].
Dr. Rikkert Frederix (U Lund)
Dr. Frederix is an expert on Monte-Carlo event generators and one of the main authors of the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO event generator.
We have collaborated in the past with Dr. Frederix on the inclusion of the MG5aMC generator in the ATLAS software and we continue collaborating on the improvement of the modelling of final states containing top quarks.
Dr. Olivier Mattelaer (UC Louvain)
Dr. Mattelaer is an expert on Monte-Carlo event generators and one of the main authors of the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO event generator.
We are collaborating with Dr. Mattelaer on improving the MadSpin plug-in for the simulation of unstable particle decays.
Dr. Nikos Rompotis (U Liverpool)
We are collaborating Dr N. Rompotis on the searches for electroweak baryogenesis. Dr Rompotis is an expert in BSM Higgs physics and has pioneered the searches for electroweak baryogenesis in ATLAS.
Prof. Usha Mallik (U Iowa)
We are collaborating with Prof. Mallik's group on the search for electroweak baryogenesis models in final states with top and bottom quarks.
See webpage of Prof. Mallik's group